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Welcome to Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City

Deciding on a major is an important decision, yet can be a difficult one to make. At OSU-OKC, we want to provide more information on career options so you can make the best decisions for what will be rewarding work that is also a good match for your interests and skills. The OSU-OKC MyMajors career assessment instrument can assist you with this decision.

MyMajors considers your academic achievements, interests, and personality to recommend top majors that appear to fit you best and ones that you might be interested in pursuing while in college. After completing the assessment, schedule an appointment to meet with an academic advisor to learn more about the programs offered at OSU-OKC. 

Note: MyMajors is a career assessment instrument to help guide your choice of major or career. It is not a test. There is no right or wrong answer. In responding to the questions, answer based on what is right or true to you. 

Your Info

What is your current status at OSU-OKC? (choose one that best fits you)*

Please check any of the following that apply:

Reason for taking MyMajors Assessment:*

Which of the following educational goals would best define success for you at OSU-OKC?*

Check which statement best describes you:*

Planned enrollment status during first semester:*

I am interested in taking (check all that apply)

Do any of the following common barriers for college success concern you? (check all that apply, if any)

Are you eligible for Pell/Oklahoma Promise?*

By continuing, I agree to the Terms and Conditions and agree to share my results with Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City.